Friday, May 7, 2010

Where to Buy Herb Garden Supplies

One of the best ways to make sure that you have a good looking herb garden is to make sure that you are buying the right supplies from the right suppliers. This helps to make sure that you are getting the right advice and the best plants for your money. The good news for the modern herb gardener is the list of where to buy herb garden supplies has never been longer. There are two main categories of places where people like to buy from. These are the internet and the local garden store. Which one is right for you will depend on how you like to shop and how much hands-on instruction you need.

Advantages of Buying in the Store

When you choose a garden store as where to buy herb garden supplies, you will be able to buy plants which grow well in your area. This is because most shops will only sell the plants which you can actually cultivate in your area. This is because the majority of people planting anything do not want to take special steps to make sure the plants will propagate. The other advantage that you will get from buying in the store is that you can receive instructions about what you will need to do once you get your plant home. You will also be directed as to what other supplies you will need to purchase.

Advantages of Buying Online

Buying online is the best place for where to buy herb garden supplies if you are looking for a good deal or you want to buy specialty plants. This is because you will not be restricted by the selection that the local nursery or garden center will have. When looking to buy for your herb garden Amazon is a very good place to purchase through. They have a wide selection of what you are looking for at some of the best prices you will be able to find. Remember, when you buy online, it is important to make sure that you understand the return policy. While most online dealers are good about sending quality plants, not all are reputable. Just remember that when you buy through a credit card, you get the backing of the credit card services to guarantee your purchase.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Why You Should be Growing Rosemary

There are few herbs which are easy to grow and can help you with different physical needs as well. Not only are there many different rosemary uses, there are a lot of rosemary benefits you can receive. The best part about such a highly useful and versatile herb is the fact that it is easy to grow. This is a great herb for beginners or for those who have tried growing other herbs and failed. While you will have to take special precautions for growing rosemary in your garden, you will be glad you invested the proper time.

Rosemary Benefits

Rosemary has many health benefits that you can enjoy. You can use the oil from the herb to protect yourself from skin cancer. You can also use rosemary steeped in hot water to ward off other health problems. Of course, rosemary tastes great in your food as well. Another of the many rosemary benefits is the fact it is good at deterring the pests that like to feed on bean plants, carrots, sage and cabbage. Additionally, you will be able to enjoy the look of the blooms in the spring and the smell of the rosemary in your garden.

Where to Plant Rosemary

It is important that you plan out where you will plant your rosemary because it is a perennial plant that likes to spread out if given the opportunity. This means it will take over your garden if you are not careful. Some simple planning will help to make sure that this does not happen. Make sure that the roots are separated by at least 6" from other plants. Using a plastic divider that goes down at least 6" into the soil will be most beneficial as well. Rosemary takes well to sunny climates, but does not take well to the cold. It will hibernate until it gets warm again.

Growing Indoor Rosemary

If you have potted rosemary plants or you simply want to grow indoor rosemary exclusively, you will need to make sure it is getting enough light. Rosemary requires at least 6-8 hours of direct sunlight every day. If you do not have a planter's box or bay window, you will probably need to buy artificial lights. This will help to provide the light that your plants require so that you can get all the rosemary benefits you are looking for.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

How to Make Bamboo Fence for Your Herb Garden

These days, there is more of importance than ever before on making sure to look out for the environment. While this is usually done in such ways as through conservation and recycling, it is important to note that there are ways you can decorate and protect your home which will help to save the world. One of the great ways you can help to save the planet is something as simple as learning how to make bamboo fence. Not only is this a great addition to your hard garden, but it is a great way to take care of the environment. This is because it takes only a matter of months to grow bamboo long enough to make up most fences whereas other woods will take years.

The Look of Bamboo

The great thing about bamboo is it looks great. It adds an exotic look to any herb garden. This is a great way to really make your garden stand out from anything you might have seen before. Because of the versatility that bamboo offers, you can even alter the look of the bamboo by using different stains. This allows you to have the look and the color that you are going for in bamboo fence home installation.

Installing Your Bamboo Fence

When learning how to make bamboo fence, it is important to note that the bamboo should never touch the ground. This is because bamboo is susceptible to rot. Always make sure there is a border of at least 2 inches between the soil and the bamboo. This is usually accomplished through a 2" X 2" piece of timber which the bamboo is then attached through corresponding holes in the timber. It is a good idea to have a gap between the timber and the ground to prevent any absorption of water which can be transferred to the bamboo.

You can buy bamboo fencing cheap through most home improvement stores. These stores are also good resources to find the information you will need to learn how to make bamboo fence. After that, you will be able to install your fence over the course of a weekend in order to give your herb garden a unique look which is environmentally friendly.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Getting Your Outdoor Garden Ready For Spring

The months of spring are almost upon us. This means getting ready to plant new seeds in your herb garden for the upcoming season. While some people will simply plant their seeds directly into the soil, it is a good idea to prepare your soil first. Remember, the more preparation you invest in before planting, the better your herbs will grow. This is a good idea whether you are preparing for a new planting, or your garden is ready to sprout for a new season.

Digging in for a New Planting

If you are planting for a new herb garden, take the time to completely dig up the soil. You only want to dig down about a foot. You need enough depth to prepare the ground completely. After the soil is out of the ground, line the bottom of the trench with small to medium sized rocks. River rocks are really good for this because they stack tightly enough to keep soil from getting in between them. The importance of the rocks is to allow excess water to drain away from you're her garden.
The next thing to do is mix the soil. You should make sure the soil has the right amount of nutrients in it by mixing the dirt with potting soil. You should also mix in sand and a few tablespoons of lime. The sand will make sure just the right amount of water is being retained. The lime will give the soil the right amount of acidity. This mixture of soil will make sure your herbs will have just the right environment to be able to grow.

Planting New Seeds

When you fill in the trench for your herb garden, make sure you leave the last inch open. Follow the specific instructions for the herbs you are planting. If there are no instructions, make sure you plant all seeds at least an inch and a half apart. This will give the roots of the plants enough room to grow. Crowded herbs will choke the others out and steal the nutrients from the soil. When covering the seeds, do not pack the soil tightly. This will give the sprouts a chance to poke through the soil once they germinate.

Soil Cover is Important

No matter is you are planting new, or maintaining an existing herb garden, you need to invest in good soil cover. This prevents top soil from being washed away. It also helps to prevent pests from invading your plants. There is no better way to help you grow your herbs organically. Use something like light straw which has been stripped of seeds and possible pests. If you have old straw, clear it away before placing new straw. If you keep piling more straw in your herb garden, you will choke your plants.
Once spring is in full effect, you will be able to enjoy your new herb garden as it sprouts from the Earth. By following this advice every year, you will have a garden you will be able to keep enjoying year after year.